3 betters health insurance company for Spain 2022

better health insurance company spain

If you want to buy health insurance, but you have not yet decided, I will give you some recommendations so that you can choose it and I will also show you which are the best health insurances in Spain for this 2022.

3 Better health insurance


This insurance company, part of the Mutua Madrileña Group and owned by CaixaBank, had profitable growth, with revenues of 2,068 million euros until mid-2021, almost 5% more than in the same period of the previous year and 1.5 points above of the Non-Life market average; which allowed him to raise the share to 10.51%.

The company recorded a net profit of 187 million euros, in addition to the increase in income and the evolution of the investment portfolio.

Adeslas offers different types of health insurance based on what you need, providing more complete insurance and other simpler ones, but always offering the peace of mind that you are in good hands, the insurer has great experience and its numbers say so.

Its cheapest plan is the adeslas Go plan, an insurance with copayment that from €16.20/month offers coverage for general medicine, specialists, paediatrics, high-tech diagnostic means, psychology, childbirth preparation, podiatry, IUD, DNA test , annual medical check-up.

Each year the first 3 copays that do not exceed €16 are offered free of charge and from the second year they offer you discounted copays of 25%.

In addition, when you take out insurance with adeslas, you have unemployment protection that covers you for 6 months of health premium, digital health services and a digital health center with a doctor at your disposal.


Sanitas offers insurance with different medical coverage, telemedicine services and the possibility of co-payment and without co-payment, it also has more than 50,000 professionals in its own and affiliated centres.

It has insurance for you, for your family and for everyone.

One of its most outstanding insurances is the Sanitas Más Salud insurance, which offers primary care, medical specialties, diagnostic tests, therapeutic methods, surgical interventions, hospitalization, counseling program, 24-hour video consultation, dental coverage and second medical opinion.

It also offers emergency travel abroad, 24-hour healthcare, and online procedures through its customer area.

You can take out this insurance with a medium copay, low copay or no copay depending on your needs.


Asisa has had a market share of 13.5% and a volume of premiums that amounts to 1,253 million euros.

Asisa has quality and professionalism in its health insurance, its insurance is designed to offer peace of mind in the face of problems and offers the possibility of being able to choose the doctor or specialists you want within its medical chart of more than 40,000 health professionals, one of Its great advantages are home care and the hospital emergency service available to all its policyholders, in addition to the online area to manage any procedure.

Asisa offers a large number of policies adapted to the needs of each user, among all of these the next plus policy stands out from €29.50/month without copay, the medical insurance includes consultations in primary and specialized medicine, diagnosed tests, special treatments , ambulance transportation, work accidents and mandatory motor insurance, psychotherapy, family planning and preventive medicine. As additional coverage, it offers travel assistance and a second medical opinion.

The age limit of asisa is 70 years and there is no maximum age of permanence.

How to choose a good health insurance?

We tell you a series of recommendations so that you can choose the best health insurance, based on your needs. Choosing health insurance can be complicated if we do not understand all the terms and coverage that we can contract.

That the insurance meets the specific medical needs

You must be clear that not all people have the same medical needs. For this reason, there are several types of insurance on the market. For example, if you are a person who must go to the doctor frequently, it would be best to take out medical insurance that does not charge copays and is managed with a monthly premium that includes all medical services.

Beware of deficiencies

Before contracting health insurance, it is recommended to know which medical benefits have waiting periods; that is, the period from when the policy is contracted until the day you can make use of certain services.

For example, in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, a period of between 6 and 10 months (depending on the insurer) must generally elapse from when the insurance is contracted, until the gynecological or hospital expenses are covered.

Review coverage and limits

Reviewing the coverage contained in the health insurance is very important; normally within the Medical policy you will find coverage such as general medicine, nursing, rehabilitation, oral treatments, among others. However, not all insurances include them.

For this reason, you should choose insurance that has the coverage you need and remember not to pay for coverage that you will not use.

Health status questionnaire

In case you didn't know, when you take out medical insurance, most insurers ask you to fill out a questionnaire with questions about your state of health. With the answers you give, they will assess the risk involved in insuring you and decide whether to insure you or not. The above will serve as a reference to set the insurance premium; so don't forget to check what insurers are offering you and compare various options on the market.

According to the following characteristics and the volume of insurance premiums, we will talk about the best health insurance, but remember that each person has needs, which means that the best insurance is not the same for everyone, that is why this selection is indicative to facilitate your choice.


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